Cosmetic Surgery Aftercare: Why Lymphatic Drainage Massage Is Essential for a Speedy Recovery

Lymphatic drainage massage is a specialized technique that uses gentle, rhythmic movements to stretch the skin and stimulate the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in our body by filtering out toxins and waste products, helping us fight infections, and maintaining fluid balance.

After cosmetic surgery, the lymphatic system may become sluggish or congested, which can lead to swelling, bruising, and discomfort. That's where massage comes in – it helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and promote healing by flushing out excess fluid and toxins from the body.

The Benefits of Post-Cosmetic Surgery Care

The recovery process after cosmetic surgery can be physically and emotionally challenging. It's vital to follow your surgeon's instructions and take care of yourself to ensure the best results possible. This includes getting enough rest, proper nutrition and hydration, limiting salt intake, being active (while avoiding strenuous activities), applying ice to relieve pain, taking prescribed medication as directed, and wearing compression garments.

And while it may not seem obvious at first, adding post-cosmetic surgery lymphatic drainage massage to your aftercare routine can make a significant difference in your recovery. Our clients have reported feeling less pain, pressure, and discomfort, decreased swelling and bruising, and a faster return to normal activities with the help of lymphatic drainage massage.

Common procedures that benefit from post-cosmetic surgery lymphatic drainage massage include:

  • Liposuction

  • Tummy tuck

  • Breast augmentation or reduction

  • Facelifts and other facial procedures

  • Brazilian butt lift (BBL)

  • And more

When Can I Get a Post-Cosmetic Surgery Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Each surgical procedure is unique, and so are the recovery times. It's crucial to consult with your surgeon before scheduling a massage and following their recommendations. Typically, for liposuction, you can start receiving lymphatic drainage massage anywhere from three to five days following surgery, as long as it's approved by your provider and you are free of drains and open wounds.

For more invasive procedures like tummy tucks, we can begin 1-2 weeks after surgery, depending on your surgeon’s recommendations. While you may feel very sore after surgery, lymphatic drainage massage consists of  light movements, which you’re able to receive despite soreness. 

We encourage you to pre-book your post-cosmetic surgery massage session with us to ensure that you receive the best care during your recovery process. These sessions book fast – so secure your spot today.

What to Expect During Your Post-Cosmetic Surgery Recovery Massage Session

Michala, Founder of Massage Studio of Kansas City, has extensive experience working with clients who have had cosmetic surgery. She is a Certified Cosmetic Therapist from the Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy, working specifically with people after cosmetic surgery procedures. We understand the importance of providing a gentle, soothing touch while targeting specific areas to promote healing and comfort.

Before your massage, Michala will review your surgery history and discuss any concerns or issues you may have. During the massage, she’ll follow lymphatic movement protocol using gentle, rhythmic movements to encourage lymphatic flow, reduce swelling and bruising, and promote healing. It's a soothing and relaxing experience that can help you feel more comfortable and enhance healing.

Our newly renovated massage spaces are cozy and private — perfect for post-cosmetic surgery recovery. We use only the highest-quality Arnica massage cream to ensure your skin stays soft, supple, and healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many sessions should I pre-book online?

Once your surgeon approves post-cosmetic surgery lymphatic drainage massage, we typically recommend pre-booking three lymphatic drainage massages per week during your first week seeing Michala. This frequency helps maximize the benefits of the massage therapy and accelerates your healing journey. Based on your individual healing journey, Michala will guide you on the cadence and timeline for your sessions. 

Michala will also provide guidance on recovery practices that you can incorporate at home to complement your in-studio sessions. From lymph node stimulation techniques to recommended tools for self-lymphatic drainage massage at home, she’ll empower you with the knowledge and resources to enhance your recovery between appointments. These at-home techniques will help you move the fluid properly and continue to enhance recovery. 

By pre-booking your sessions and committing to a consistent treatment schedule, you're prioritizing your well-being and setting yourself up for a smoother, more efficient recovery process. If you don’t see an appointment available online, you can join our waitlist, and we’ll get you in as soon as we can!

2. How soon after surgery can I have my first session?

One of the most common questions we receive is about the timing of lymphatic drainage massage after surgery. The answer varies depending on individual circumstances and, most importantly, your surgeon's approval. Typically, sessions can begin anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks after surgery, once your doctor gives the green light. For procedures like liposuction, massages can start within a 3-5 day timeframe. 

However, if your surgery involves drains, Michala prefers waiting until they are removed. This waiting period depends on your individual recovery timeline and your surgeon’s recommendations. Rest assured, Michala will guide you through this process with care and expertise, ensuring your safety and comfort every step of the way.

2. Do you perform incisional drainage?

No, we do not perform incisional drainage. We recommend consulting with your surgeon for any specific care needs.

3. Can lymphatic drainage massage help with the formation of fibrosis?

Our post-cosmetic surgery lymphatic drainage massages are tailored to address fibrosis concerns. We've observed that individuals who undergo these sessions often report a reduction in scar tissue formation, thanks to the gentle massage techniques used to target and alleviate any potential fibrous areas.

4. Is it safe to receive a post-cosmetic surgery lymphatic drainage massage?

Yes, as long as it is approved by your surgeon and you are free of any open wounds or drains. Michala will also take precautions to avoid causing discomfort or harm during the massage.

5. What are the most common surgeries your post-cosmetic surgery lymphatic drainage sessions treat?

Our sessions cater to various cosmetic surgeries, including tummy tucks, liposuction, and breast augmentations or reductions, and more.

6. Do you offer fibrosis massage?

Absolutely! We tailor sessions to address fibrosis concerns. Depending on your unique healing journey, fibrosis treatment typically begins 3-6 weeks post-surgery. We focus on massage techniques to target and alleviate any bumpy areas, and Michala will consult on when this is most appropriate for you based on your healing progress.

7. Do you use any special products during these sessions?

Yes, we incorporate Arnica cream into our post-op lymphatic drainage sessions. This soothing cream aids in reducing swelling and bruising, facilitating a smoother recovery process.

8. What should I prepare before my session?

Before your session, ensure you're hydrated and following your surgeon's aftercare guidelines. Arrange transportation in case of dizziness or nausea. If you notice any incision leakage, clean the area and bring along gauze for convenience.

9. What can I expect to feel after a session?

After a session, clients often experience relief from pre-session pressure, reduced swelling, and diminished pain. Many notice visible improvements in their body's swelling levels, feeling lighter and more comfortable overall.

Schedule Your Post-Cosmetic Surgery Lymphatic Drainage Massage Today

At Massage Studio of Kansas City, we're dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness through massage therapy. Our post-cosmetic surgery lymphatic drainage massages provide the care and comfort necessary for a speedy recovery.

Prebook your sessions here and begin your journey towards a confident, beautiful you today. We can't wait to see you!  

Disclaimer: Massage therapy is not a substitute for medical care, and we require approval from your surgeon before scheduling an appointment.All information included in this blog are educational and should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.